Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soup's On!

Today's blog post will be filed under "Things that make you go Hmmmmm".

For those of you who don't know, I am an educated woman. Long story, and many student loans later, I have 2 Bachelor's degrees and a Master's degree. I work as a nurse anesthetist and all my co-workers are Master's degree trained.

So imagine our surprise when this little "education" poster showed up in our lounge at work:

The whole thing is laughable. But what cracks me up the most is the part that reads, "Place top on Styrofoam cup to take heated soup to patient room".

Hellooo, administration, I work in the operating room where MY patients can have nothing by mouth!



Dawn @ simply transparent said...

and we wonder why it cost sooo much?!

because there a few over paid employees ;o.

Lianne said...

Whoa. So, is hot chocolate heating allowed?

Y'all have THE BEST gift shop there.

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

Ha Ha Ha!

Tam said...

I laughed so hard reading your post!

The Source said...

Geesh! So, I'm assuming they don't teach nurses how to heat up soup in any of their college classes? What is all that education for?? LOL

j said...

Well now you know :)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

But WHAT would you do if it was a CREAMY chicken noodle soup?????????

j said...

*psst... Tammy my Tide Sister... Don't forget to fly the color today for the Alabama Bloggers Alabama vs Auburn vs UAB vs Arkansas vs Mississippi vs... OK, you get what I'm saying... blog carnival.

Bragging rights BAY-bee!