Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Other Side


Janet Jackson sang about it.

Everyone wants it.

Nobody wants to give it up.

Especially me.

I mentioned having an MRI in one of my recent posts,and, basically, it revealed a degenerative disc in my lower spine. Also in that area I have some inflammation resulting in lower back and leg pain. The doctor recommended a few things including physical therapy, medications and a series of nerve blocks.


Yesterday I went for my first nerve block. I wasn't worried about the procedure itself, I was MORE worried about someone else sedating me. Seriously, THAT was my biggest anxiety. I am usually the sedater, not the sedatee.

The nurse started my IV, gave me some "relaxing" medicine, wheeled me into the procedure room, and had me position myself on the table. I remember it all. Next, I look at the anesthesiologist start pushing the IV sedative.....the last thing I remember saying was, "now don't give me too much of that."

Control much?


Mary R Snyder said...

Girl -- you are so funny! And my hubs just got diagnosed with the same thing. I know it's tough.... the pain and the lack of control!

The Source said...

Oh my...I hope the nerve block is helpong ease your pain! I imagine it's hard to be on the receiving end of things. At least you know if they're doing it right!

j said...

I'm sorry that you have been dealing with back trouble. I hope the nerve block helps.