The photos I am going to share with you today are none that you will find in any famous art gallery. They were not taken by anyone famous and the artist’s perspective may not be understood.
You see, the pictures were taken by my 9 year old son, with his new digital camera he received on his birthday, which he did ask for. His last digital camera, a hand-me-down from his cool parents, was worn out from so much use.
After shooting close to 150 photos, I thought it was time to download the photos and take a look at them. While viewing them, I found myself laughing hysterically as well as scratching the top of my head--- while trying to figure out what, exactly, I was looking at. Then followed by an “Ohhhhh” when he told me.
I also found myself having a discussion with him about what is appropriate to take photos of…..and stuttering through an explanation of why we really shouldn’t take photos of others with their “bums” in the air or while other’s pretended to hit their “bums”. Go figure.
So, you want to know what a 9 year old boy takes photos of? I am proud to present:
Life Through A Lens: Do You See What I See, Check Yes or No.
The Photographer
First Photo with new camera, birthday dessert
Elementary School Chicks, which I am allergic to
Indiana Jones Legos
Little Sister in 3D
Backyard as seen from swing
Best buddy at end of school party
Little sister’s room, as seen through paper towel tube
Toothless upside down sister
Front-lit cookie on kitchen counter
Lindsey Lohan, as seen on TV
(**moment of silent prayer**)
Road Trip Stowaways, decorated with little sister’s cookies
Pertinent Weather Data
Immediate weather coverage
The great black out of Summer 2008
Before Erik Estrada called to get his glasses back
Baby tomatoes, coming soon to a salad near you
I don’t want to wear everyone out with our first presentation of photos, so I will bring this photofest to an end.
Consider yourself warned that this may not be the last entry from my son’s camera. Because I’m sure after another 100+ photos there will be plenty more to share with you all. Hope you enjoyed seeing life through my 9 year old. I’ll leave you with one more photo which was taken by the Princess.