Tuesday, June 17, 2008

VBS 2008-- Luau Style

Those of us in the South know that no summer is complete without a week at Vacation Bible School (VBS). The theme our church used this year was "Outrigger Island" by Lifeway. The kids area of the church was decorated with a luau theme and the kids brought home several cute crafts. But the highlight of the week was the music camp led by several of the very talented parents in our church. The program went along with the Outrigger Island theme of VBS, complete with acting, singing and dancing. It was a performance that would rival any Broadway production! :-)

Here's a photo of my star performers. Aren't their shirts SO cute?!

The Princess actually made her singing debut during the performance:

The son was not as excited about the performance, he's not so much into singing and dancing, like his sister. We actually had tears during the dress rehearsal. So after a little pep talk, he was ready to perform. Kinda. I'm not sure how much longer I can make encourage him to participate. Notice his expressions and the BIG yawn in the video.

As you can see, we do have a little "ham" in the family.

And the performance of the evening does go to the Princess. This video was shot during the dress rehersal, hence the gabbing in the background. I'm sorry the quality of this video is quite poor; however, you can get the effect of her talent and skill, which she does not get from her mother (no comments Teresa):

Verse for the Week:
"Teach me Your way, Lord, and I will live by Your truth." Psalm 86:11 Holman CSB®

Know the Truth!
Speak the Truth!
Live the Truth!

For excerpts of the music click here.
**Warning: some of the tunes are catchy and might get stuck in your head**

It was a wonderful week and the kids will have some wonderful memories of VBS 2008!


Beachy Mimi said...

Cute pictures! I always loved VBS.

Nicolette said...

You're welcome for the talent and the "ham"! That must come from the favorite aunt!!